Hello world!
8/18/20233 min read
Welcome to the Newsletter
DISCLAIMER: I wrote up a bunch of newsletter posts about how to become a data analyst when my book (How to Become a Data Analyst) was coming out, but then I went to Costa Rica for a surf trip and kind of forgot about my posts. I am going to publish them all now, so they do not go to waste!
For two years I have been looking at people with newsletters and going “wow, looks like a lot of work!!”. And now, here we are. May I present to you - my newsletter.
So why now? Why a newsletter? Well, I have been thinking about doing this for a while, but this year I was so busy writing a book that I could not find the time or mental space to have a newsletter as well. Funny enough, now that I have written a book, it will actually make the newsletter much easier to write! That is because I looked through the table of contents of my book and picked out what I feel are the most important key points. I picked the things that I needed to hear the most when I was trying to become a data analyst, and turned them into a free newsletter, just for you.
Each week a new edition of “The most important questions I wish I had an answer to when I was trying to become a data analyst” will be emailed to you. I will keep every week’s newsletter on my blog on my website, so that people who start tomorrow, next month, or even next year will have access to this content. I would like for it to serve as a sort of “FAQ page” or “home base” for my content.
As we get started with this newsletter, I have something to ask you. The most ideal version of this newsletter, is one that is collaborative. I know that many people are quiet lurkers, they read all of my content, use it to help them become data analysts, and go on their way. And that is ok! But if you can spare some time, I would love your feedback. I would love to know:
What content is the most helpful to you (so I can lean into this in the future!).
Anything that is unclear to you about the topics I have discussed.
The topics you would like to see me cover in a future newsletter.
There are a couple of ways you can reach me to leave your feedback. You can share a post on LinkedIn, and tag me in it! This opens up a conversation with a wider community, which can help more people than just you!
You can message me on LinkedIn, make sure to let me know you have thoughts about the newsletter or book, I don’t respond to general messages that just say things like “hii annie”. Or, if you would prefer, you can email me at I check my email less frequently than my LinkedIn, so my response there may be slower.
I am excited to get started on this newsletter, and THANK YOU so much for coming along with me for this journey. Here is a preview of the topics of the first few newsletters:
What makes a good data analyst?
What tools do I need to learn to become a data analyst?
How hard is it to become a data analyst? And to BE one?
The “DIY” path into data analytics, and different backgrounds
All titles are subject to change ;)
Get to Know Me Before We Start
Hi, I’m Annie. I am a data analyst, and I also create content about data analytics. You already know that! But do you know how I became a data analyst? Before I taught myself data analytics in 2022 I was a nanny. I graduated with my masters degree in occupational therapy one week before getting my first job offer as a data analyst!
My first job in data was as a Tableau Consultant at a small consulting organization, which I loved. I learned a lot about Tableau there, and got to see how many different clients were using Tableau. After about a year, I got laid off, as it goes in tech. Fortunately, I had already started networking and looking for a new job in data.
I got my second data analytics job because I got a stroke of inspiration to go and meet with a speaker whose talk I really enjoyed at the Tableau Conference. I turned out to have the exact skill set she was looking for (Tableau), and a few months later I started at GitLab on the Central Data Team as a Data Analyst! I have been at GitLab since August of 2023, and I love every bit about my job.
When I am not creating content or working as a data analyst, I enjoy rock climbing, surfing, biking, hiking, nature walks, birdwatching, reading, and cooking! I love to learn new things so check in a few months from now and I might have a new item to add to my list of "things I like to do with my free time".